Cal Kemp

Wandering Adventurer and Lepidopterist

Cal is quiet, often coming across as timid or shy. When he speaks, he often does so softly and with frequent pauses, as if he's constantly trying to find the right words to convey his thoughts and actively trying to avoid any faux pas or saying something disagreeable.While he may come across as naive and idealistic, Cal is an inquisitive and kind soul who does his best to help those in need.


Name: Calvernus Kemp
Occupation: Lepidopterist, Naturalist, Adventurer
Race: Hyur
Age: 20's
Height/Build: 5' 7" / Average
Eye Color: Blue-ish grey
Hair Color: Dark Silver

Very few things about Cal himself stand out; he is of average height and build, and handsome enough to not be entirely forgettable. Cal’s hair is a dark silver, and is mostly kept in a ponytail, with bangs that frame his face. While Cal himself skirts the border of forgettable, his choice in attire helps him stand out, as he favors bright colors and striking patterns and flashy outfits. Cal is rarely seen without his wine red capelet, which has been further enhanced with eye catching accents and pins. A precursory glance would suggest that form trumps function for much of Cal’s wardrobe, but all of his clothes are fitted to allow him to move with little hindrance, and hide numerous pockets and hidden storage spaces.


Cal is quiet, often coming across as timid or shy. When he speaks, he often does so softly and with frequent pauses, as if he's constantly trying to find the right words to convey his thoughts and actively trying to avoid any faux pas or saying something disagreeable.
Due to a sheltered but harsh upbringing, Cal's knowledge of how the world works can be a strange mix of both eclectic and lacking, with Cal often defaulting to idealistic or simplistic views on matters. Despite this, he does have an inquisitive mind, and is often curious and eager to expand his knowledge and experience new things.
Another side effect of his upbringing is an extreme aversion to violence and conflict. While trained in magic and fencing, he would rather (and often does) run away from a potential fight or conflict, should negotiation and discussion fall through.


Cal was born and raised in Old Sharlayan by a very traditional family with ties to the Studium, who valued academia and Sharlayan exceptionalism above all else. From an early age he was thrown into a variety of studies: Mathematics, History, Geology, Aetherology, Political Studies, Natural Studies, etc. While he was expected to flourish and shine, despite earnest efforts, Cal’s results in most of his studies were middling at best, save for in the natural sciences.
Cal became fascinated with lepidopterology, the study of butterflies and moths. Although still a middling student, he was passionate and invested in learning more, actively engaging with his professors, who seemed to view him as something of a polite and enthusiastic nuisance.
Despite his new enthusiasm, Cal began to feel his professors, fellow students, and even his family viewed him as a waste of potential, or worse, a waste of space. Eventually Cal left the Studium and Sharlayan with little fanfare, simply leaving a short letter stating that he would be leaving for Eorzea to work on his thesis, "How Aetheric Catastrophes and Calamities may Shape and Mold Adaptations to New Environs."
Since then Cal has wandered across Eorzea, working as an adventurer to pay his bills. While he still has an aversion to violence, and would often prefer to run from conflict, his honesty and drive to accomplish his jobs has led him to some success.